Humans are tribal by their very nature. This is an undeniable fact, as our evolutionary past had us living in small villages. Meanwhile, technology is shrinking the world, both in communication and in travel. The economy is extraordinarily interlinked across the world, and all signs point towards this trend continuing.

With the realization that aspirations towards global citizenship only come naturally to a few people, global citizenship education is increasingly important. While the goal of this citizenship education is obvious, the means how to achieve it are not.

The article is meant to explore what global citizenship is, and how travel is an excellent way to foster that mentality.

What is global citizenship education?

There is an advantage to cooperation, and our common humanity often requires cooperation and understanding. As mentioned before, technology has shrunk the planet, with travel and the internet making it possible to maintain relationships across continents.

In addition, some issues are beyond the local government’s ability to fix. Climate change is the best issue that comes to mind. Let’s say, as a hypothetical example, that North America shut down its power grid, and stopped living a 21st-century lifestyle. Would that end climate change?

Obviously not, because a change in 3 countries (albeit some of the largest) would not be sufficient to stop the irrevocable change caused by greenhouse gasses.

Another example would be conflicts. If two countries are fighting, the stronger one will dominate the weaker one. If the world stays out of the conflict and just leaves the fighting to those nations involved, that will promote unfair and greedy behavior from the world’s powers.

The days of the isolated nation-state are over, and people are opening up to a more cooperative mentality.

As a result, global citizenship education can open some eyes and expand people’s horizons towards international cooperation.

The goal is to promote respect, understanding, and empathy towards our fellow humans. But why do we need special initiatives to do this? Isn’t kindness, cooperation, and understanding natural to the human condition?

Well, yes and no. Our biology is still stuck in the tribes, villages, and warbands that our species came from. We imprint and attach to those closest to us who are not like us. It is not easy to have the same degree of compassion for those we don’t know.

Factors that Enhance and Promote Global Citizenship Education

Now that we’ve established why global citizenship is important let’s discuss the factors that aid and enhance it.

English language

For at least a few decades, the United States has ruled the world, both in an official and unofficial manner. And just like Rome before it, its language has become the de-facto international parlance.

One of the main barriers to establishing connections with people from foreign countries is language. If you can communicate, then you cannot share and empathize. In this regard, English helps a lot.

Most people are taught English in schools, but that is not where they really learn to speak the language. The US is more than a military empire, it is also a cultural juggernaut. Hollywood and American music and culture have become the unofficial global culture.

As a result, children from across the globe have grown up with the same media, songs, movies, and games. Given that all of these were in English, many millions of adults now have some level of understanding in English.

When tourists in a country or trying to carry on a conversation with someone foreign, English is the first go-to option. It is incredibly useful that millions of people from different countries can communicate effectively.

The Internet

In some Sci-Fi shows from the last centuries, characters in the stories would talk to aliens using computer translators. It seemed so fictional back then, but nowadays, electronic translators and the internet, in general, have become a reality.

There are plenty of online resources that can be used to write, translate, and educate you on your path toward global citizenship.

For example, if you need to write a letter, an essay, or a blog post, and your language skills are not at an extraordinary level, it is possible to search for the best essay writing sites that could write it cheaply.

Also, there isn’t a need to carry a dictionary around anymore. The translation function of Google, or any other type of online translator will do the job. AI is also a new technology that promises to create real-life, real-time translators.


Finally, we get to the main factor. As mentioned, education in global citizenship is important. However, unless there is an emotional and empathetic connection to provide people with motivation, global citizenship will remain a political trend.

There are many paying lip service to global unity, but it’s just about empty words.

However, travel is the perfect antidote for that. If you travel, you are getting to see other places, cultures, and people. It becomes obvious that your reality and culture are not the only ones under the Sun.

Reading books and attending HR seminars will never achieve this result. 

Even hosting migrants in your country is not that useful, as you are meeting them in your culture, and your terms.

There is something very humbling about being a guest in someone else’s country, and that sentiment makes it more likely that you see those people as being people, and not just a foreign population that is beyond your borders.

Travel puts you in actual contact with other people. And it’s not like a corporate meeting where the environment is international, but it’s highly controlled.

True travel is when you walk another country’s streets and see their daily lives first-hand.

From a pragmatic standpoint, you will quickly realize that different cultures have different approaches and attitudes when it comes to approaching problems or working. If and when you will need to cooperate internationally, this information can be very valuable.

Some cultures are very punctual and ritualistic, others like adaptability and prize versatility. Differences can be noticed also in emotional tone. Some cultures are strictly hierarchical, while some are very egalitarian both in attitude and in their communication chains.

None of these are wrong, but you have to know how to approach people from different countries, in order for you not to seem too alien to them.


The world is full of theories, books, and articles. Knowing that something is good is one thing, and actually carrying it out is another.

There has been a recent effort to propagandize global citizenship via media and school systems, but the results are lackluster. We sometimes forget that humans and physical creatures and experiencing the world is, by far, the strongest incentive.

In terms of causing empathy and understanding, nothing beats travel. The proliferation of the English language and technology has made traveling easier than ever. Not to mention that traveling is highly enjoyable.

As a result, you can sensitize yourself to global citizenship, boost other economies, and increase your empathy by traveling. It’s a win for everyone.

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